Ricks Institute

Ricks Institute

Not For Self, But For Others
Ricks Institute seeks to bring love, care and nurture to our students through our dedication to build a solid, trusting reputation through the Internet for two primary purposes. One is to provide timely, engaging, and current information to our current parents, students, staff, and community. The second purpose is to attract new students (through their parents or guardians) and to recruit quality staff.

We are very excited as a website on the Internet would allow Ricks Institute to have digital presence on the World Wide Web as well as social media platforms.  We see this as just the beginning of a multi-year journey to infuse information technology into our Business operation and Academic programs.  Our next initiative is the implementation of ‘smart’ school on a cloud base platform to empower our teachers and students to transition activities of grade recording and reporting, transcript management, class scheduling, and some focused instructional and tutoring sections onto the Internet.

Ricks Institute website launch and ribbon cutting was on December 18, 2022. The launch event was streamed live on Facebook and zoom. The ribbon cutting event was attended in person by invited guests, our Ricks family, parents and friends on the Ricks Institute campus in Virginia, Montserrado county, Liberia. The virtual event was attended by our alumni community, friends and partners from around the globe.

Please take a few minutes to provide your feedback on our website using our Website User Experience Questionnaire / Survey

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