Ricks Institute

Ricks Institute

Not For Self, But For Others

Extracurricular Activities

Learning Outside the Classroom
At Ricks Institute, a core part of learning and developing our students is the importance of extracurricular activity. An extra-curricular activity is defined as any activity for which a grade is not received. It is learning outside the classroom, as life responsibilities, learning and passion exist outside of the classroom. We expect and encourage every student to build skills such as team work, trust, leadership, love and respect for self and others and service to others outside of our classrooms. These activities include challenging and rewarding artistic endeavors, school and classroom leadership roles, academic clubs/organizations and volunteering/service to others.

We strongly recommend that students take advantage of our wide range of extracurricular activities. The parents/ guardians must notify the administration at the start of the academic year in writing if for any reason a student cannot take part in extra-curricular activities. Some extra-curricular activities could involve overnight educational field trips outside of campus. All students must follow all rules of the institution while on these trips. Any act contrary to our rules especially on educational field trips could lead to immediate expulsion. The school encourages all students to participate in extra-curricular activities. Students who become involved will find it easier to adjust to school life and benefit personally from being at Ricks.


Students who do not fulfill their academic and/or discipline commitments will be excluded from participating in extra-curricular activities. For a student to gain or regain eligibility, the appropriate authority will write a letter of reinstatement to the Academic Supervisor or the Student Affairs’ Office. Once approved, the student is reinstated.

The following Activities are offered at Ricks Institute:

  1. Sports (Football, Basketball (Male & Female), Kickball, Volleyball)
  2. Press Club
  3. Health Club
  4. Student Government
  5. School Choir
  6. Cultural Dance Troop
  7. Debate Club
  8. Dramatic Club
  9. Volunteer Association